The Series 2049 comprises The Perfect Prediction, The Hedgehog's Dilemma, and The Happy Script. The series is set in 2049, and each unit discusses different topics: The Perfect Prediction explores how humans attempt to control their fate through big data; The Hedgehog's Dilemma addresses healing life’s wounds through new counseling technologies; and The Happy Script focuses on solving marital problems using communication aids. The three stories each highlight three archetypal female roles—a mother, a daughter, and a wife—aiming to expand the audience's imagination of future life and reflect on the values of Chinese women.
- Release Date|November 13, 2021
- Language|Mandarin
- Episode / Time|6 eps / 30 mins
- Genre|Sci-fi, Thriller, Romance, Comedy
- Director|Li-Da Hsu, Chien-Ching Chu
- Producer|Phil Tang
- Starring|Ivy Shao, Austin Lin, Tzu-Xi Lin, Christina Mok. Yi-jie Li, Hank Chen