Gold Leaf 



In 1949, after Taiwan’s restoration, Taiwanese tea transitioned from the 'Golden Age of Tea' to an era of fierce competition. Mr. Fu-ji of the Beipu Zhang family was known as the 'Tea Power,'  his company,Nikko Co., was the largest tea factory in the country, with 70 percent of Beipu’s residents relying on it for their livelihood. Mr. Fu-ji's only daughter, Yi-xin, knew nothing about tea, nor did she care about Nikko's affairs. However, six months ago, her brother and mother tragically passed away in a car accident, and Yi-xin was suddenly burdened with the responsibility of Sunlight’s future. Her father had chosen a man, Fan Wen-guei , to marry into the family, but unfortunately, Mr. Fu-ji had amassed a mountain of debt due to the new kind of tea wars. Because of the debt, the Fan family called off the marriage, and no one dared marry into the Zhang family. Yi-xin was forced to take on the family business, stepping into a completely unfamiliar world of tea.


  • Release Date|November 13, 2021
  • Region|Taiwan, Japan, Korea
  • Language|Mandarin, Hakka, English
  • Episode / Time|10 eps / 50 mins
  • Genre|History, Business Warfare
  • Director|Chun-Yang Lin
  • Producer|Phil Tang
  • Starring|Cindy Lien, Kuo Tze Cheng, James Wen, Hsueh Shih-Ling, Wilson Hsu, Chien-wei Huang, Li Xing